Its that time again! Its time fooooor....
These pictures are from our little impromptu photo shoot this morning. AJ was up and at 'em and just as happy as a clam!
Such a pretty smile!
The scrunchy nose is adorable in this one.
I like this last one because it captures the craziness of her arm movements. She's whipping it around so fast you almost can't see it!And in honor of Father's Day yesterday (and because I am an awesome wife/photographer and forgot to take even one picture of my two loves together) I snapped this one a few minutes ago. I plan to tell everyone that it was taken yesterday. ;) D (yes, he still has a job, he is on leave right now) is still sleeping and AJ is already on to her first nap of the day.
Please don't judge the horrendously messy bedroom (or the ridiculous "organizer" that my husband insists on keeping on his bedside table, so classy babe).
Stopping by through Mamarazzi Monday. What a cutie you have there. Our youngest was born April 11th. I love looking at (and taking obviously) pictures of sweet babies. Blessings.