Before D and I got married I worked for a publishing company. I was an English major in college and love to read, so this was basically the ideal job for me. One of the perks was that as employees, we received a copy of every book the company published, for free (seriously, best.job.ever.). I only worked there for about a year, but during that time I accumulated quite the collection of books.
I was going through my bookshelf the other day and I realized that there are quite a few books that I either acquired while working for the publisher or bought myself and then never got around to reading. I decided to make a goal to read them. I realize that it might take me a while to actually complete this goal, but personally, I think its kind of lame when people have tons of books on their shelves that they haven't actually read. I think its rather hypocritical of me to feel that way and have lots of unread books displayed for all to see.
Surprisingly, quite a few of the books on my shelf are what would be considered "classics" that I was never required to read in any of my English classes. Or, if I'm being honest, was assigned and just didn't read. Being an English major is tough. Each one of your professors knows that you're taking 4 other classes just like his (or hers) and still assigns a book a week. Who has time to read all of them and then write the papers on them?!
I kind of feel though, that someone who holds a degree in English should have read most, if not all of the classics (geez, snobbish much?). Thus, my collection. I mean, who really has time to sit down and read Great Expectations or Pride and Prejudice in real life, when its not required? I purchased the books, and never took the time to read them.
I'm not going to list all of the books on my shelf that are yet-to-be-read, but I will state that there are more than 50 titles on my list. There are a few books that I don't have on my bookshelf that I added to the list because I want to read them as well, so there are not actually 50 unread books on my shelf.
But, I'm wondering, do you have books that you bought (or somehow acquired) that you haven't read? What are some of the classics that you think are important to read, English degree or not? Any in particular that are your favorites?
While writing and especially re-reading this post before I hit "publish" I realized that I am a judgmental person when it comes to books and reading, which is ironic, because I love a sappy romance or chic lit book as much as the next person. Please note: I won't judge you for what you read, but what you don't read. ;)
2 years ago
You are just like me. I have so many books on my shelf that are either half-read or not read at all. LOL. I hope to get to it soon though.