Its been a little while since I posted about my pregnancy, so I figured I'd give you all a break from the cooking posts for a bit and let you know how things are going so far.
I'm officially more than halfway through this pregnancy, which is insane to me! I feel like I just peed on the little stick like 3 weeks ago! I'm not sure I did such a good job documenting how life went when I was pregnant with AJ, and I know I haven't done a good job at all so far this time around, so I think I'm going to start trying to get better about posting on a (somewhat) weekly basis.
Here's how my pregnancy with baby girl #2 is going so far.
I'm doing pretty well. I feel like I'm definitely showing (bigger, sooner, faster!) than with AJ, but that is apparently normal with subsequent pregnancies. I tweaked something in my back sometime last week and was basically an invalid for about 5 days. We'd run our necessary errands or do some chores around the house and then I'd lay on the heating pad for the afternoon. Fun times. So far though, my back has released and feels much, much better, so I'm definitely hoping this lasts! Otherwise I haven't really had any of the major pregnancy complaints that I experienced with AJ, so I'm counting my lucky stars on that!
I'm starting to realize that in 4 months (eek) we're going to have another baby around here. For a long time it just didn't really sink in, life seemed exactly the same and it was hard to imagine a baby in our house at this point. I even had a fleeting thought like, OMG, what did we do! Haha! We've been talking about the baby a lot more, AJ seems like she's getting a little more into it and now that we know the sex, I think it makes things seem more real.
As far as hormones and emotions go, D will be the first to tell you that I am crazy. I'm not emotional at all like I was last time, but rather just have an angry attitude about most things. I have been trying to stifle it, but by the end of the day I'm usually in a rage. Lucky D, he gets to come home to the best of me! Haha! Sorry, hunny. ;)
Well, the nursery closet has been cleaned out (it was basically a store-all before) and the girl clothes have all been organized according to sizes. I think we're (and by "we" I obvi mean "D") going to paint next weekend and then get the crib set up sometime after that. I have a big nursery design all planned out in my head, but I'm probably going to need to share that with D before anything really big happens. Ha! We're going to Hometown, USA for Thanksgiving and while we're there I think we're planning to pick up a dresser at Ikea, so that will be the last piece of furniture needed. I feel like we have tons of time left to do all this stuff, and then I remember that we're going to be out of town for Thanksgiving, after that we'll have like 2 weeks at home before we leave for vacay over Christmas. Then it will be 2013. Uh..... not prepared for that!
As far as gear goes, I've ordered a few new diapers and covers and my Ergo came in the mail today (yay!). I was planning on buying one and randomly got an email from Amazon last week telling me that they were marked down to $99 (from $120ish). So of course I ordered it. (Side note: how does Amazon know?!? They are evil, but I love them.)
What I'm Looking Forward To:
Painting and seeing the room come together. I've got some stuff from around the house that will be going in as decor and I think I'm going to make a few things and order a few others. Its definitely not going to be a girly-pink room like AJ's was, but I am excited about how I hope it will turn out! I'm also looking forward to seeing family for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
So there you have it. I'll probably post again in a week or two with any changes related to pregnancy crazies, the nursery, etc.
2 years ago