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I'm a twenty-nine year old Army wife currently living near a large Army post. I have an unhealthy obsession with Dr. Pepper, the Internet, cloth diapers, and ridiculous TV shows. I'm a stay at home mom to two beautiful daughters, AJ and Amelia. We also have a 6 year old beagle named Abby who is as dumb as a box of rocks.
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Monday, January 9, 2012


I don't know if you've seen the little game going around on Facebook where you're supposed to find the song that was at the top of the Billboard charts the week you were born, but I figured mine out.


Jump, by Van Halen
#1 for the week of March 4, 1984

1 comment:

  1. I just read that Van Halen played a comeback show in NYC at this tiny little club called Cafe Wha? (which I've been to) but it was in front of like 200 people. I wonder if they played Jump!?


I'd love to know what you think...