
My photo
I'm a twenty-nine year old Army wife currently living near a large Army post. I have an unhealthy obsession with Dr. Pepper, the Internet, cloth diapers, and ridiculous TV shows. I'm a stay at home mom to two beautiful daughters, AJ and Amelia. We also have a 6 year old beagle named Abby who is as dumb as a box of rocks.
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Thursday, April 14, 2011

10 Things I Love

I'm feeling particularly lovey this morning. Mostly because I'm up, showered, drinking coffee, the dogs are fed, the sun is shining and AJ is still sleeping! There is nothing more glorious than a 70* sunny morning and some quiet (unless you count the sound of three dogs pacing the room) alone time. I figured now was as good a time as any to come up with my 10 things, so here we go!

10 Things I love

The rules are as follows:

1.- State who tagged you.
Lydia over at WithLoveLydia

2.- State 10 things you love
1. D
2. AJ
3. Lavender body wash
4. Dr. Pepper Coffee.
5. All my new friends here!
6. My parent's place in FL.
7. My siblings (and my parents too, I guess! ;)
8. Laundry that folds itself and then promptly puts itself away. That doesn't exist? Boo.
9. A GREAT song randomly coming on the radio!
10. My friends from college (they rock!).

3.- Tag ten friends at the end of the post and notify them through a comment.

I'm not going to tag people because I linked more than 10 people yesterday through my New Blogs! post, so if you want to share 10 things you love, feel free to come back here and let me know that you participated!

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I'd love to know what you think...