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I'm a twenty-nine year old Army wife currently living near a large Army post. I have an unhealthy obsession with Dr. Pepper, the Internet, cloth diapers, and ridiculous TV shows. I'm a stay at home mom to two beautiful daughters, AJ and Amelia. We also have a 6 year old beagle named Abby who is as dumb as a box of rocks.
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Friday, November 19, 2010

MilSpouse Friday Fill-In...

I figured that I should stop being lazy and get back to participating in the Friday Fill-In again! Its been a few weeks since I last linked up, but in my defense, I haven't been being lazy, I've honestly been super busy (and out of town a lot!).

Here we go....

1.If you had to be shipwrecked on a deserted island, but all your human needs – such as food and water – were taken care of, what two items would you want to have with you?

I'm going to assume that D and AJ would be with me already, so I'm bringing my computer and Dr. Pepper.

2.If you were a salad, what kind of dressing would you have?

French because its the best.

3.If you had to live on a ranch, what kind of animals would you raise/own?

Dogs? I'm not really a livestock type of person, but if I had to choose it would be cows or horses.

4.If your life was was portrayed as a movie, who would you choose to play you and your significant other?

For me, its super easy. Julia Stiles (because I look just like her). D looks like the cartoon character Stan from American Dad. Can he be played by a cartoon? No? Then I'm going to choose Jake Gyllenhal because he kind of looks like him.

5.What was the last thing you put a stamp on (envelope, duh, but what was in the envelope)?

An envelope that contained a check payable to my friend for my part of the hotel room we stayed in when I went to my college reunion with all the girlies. I sent her a check a week and a half ago, but I sent it to the wrong address (genius) so I had to send her another one.


  1. Oh man! I forgot the Dr. Pepper! My list is growing ;0)

    Have a great weekend!

  2. I think you hit the nail on the head with who would play you in a movie. I think you totally look like Julia Stiles and your husband does resemble Jake. What a beautiful couple!

  3. Great couple choice! Also, will you be bringing enough Dr. Pepper to share? I forgot to put that on my list, too. :)

  4. You DO look like Julia Stiles. Whoa. When do we start filming?


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