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I'm a twenty-nine year old Army wife currently living near a large Army post. I have an unhealthy obsession with Dr. Pepper, the Internet, cloth diapers, and ridiculous TV shows. I'm a stay at home mom to two beautiful daughters, AJ and Amelia. We also have a 6 year old beagle named Abby who is as dumb as a box of rocks.
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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Drunk People Are Funny...

I somehow got roped into being the designated driver last night for DH and our next door neighbors who are two Officers from the BN that outrank DH.  Thats fine, they come over to the house right before we are getting ready to leave and take a shot of Patron.  Already I can tell that this night is going to get interesting before its all said and done.

We hop in the car and head over to the ball.  The place is packed and the next door neighbors take off in search of more booze no doubt.  DH and I wander in and start chatting with some of his soldiers and their wives/girlfriends and other people that he knows.  We grab drinks and attempt to find our friends and get ready for the reception line.  We don't find our friends, but we hang out until DH's company is being received.  We go into the banquet room and find our table.  

After going through all the traditional Army things (bringing in the colors, saying the prayer, toasts, etc.), we sit down to eat.  The food is HORRIBLE!  That is fine, at least there is chocolate cake on the table.  Well, that was awful too!  We make it through dinner and the Grog ceremony begins.  The Grog ceremony is a traditional ceremony in which all of the Company Commanders from the BN recite a short speech about the unit and its history.  After they recite their bit, they proclaim that they are going to add a certain type of alcohol to the mix in order to honor the past.  They are required to take a sip (or chug) of their alcohol before they dump the rest in the pot.

That was interesting to say the least.  Following that, we had the special guest speaker, and started the raffle.  Needless to say, we have been in attendance for more than 3 hours and we have not heard any music yet!  They finally remove the colors and the formal part of the evening is over.  Anyone who wants to is allowed to leave and the "ghetto" dancing and music begins.  The XO and his wife continue to call off numbers for the raffle, the only problem is that everyone lost their tickets, so no one is winning or paying attention for that matter.

We are finally ready to leave and we find our two charges who are riding home with us and head outside to the car.  We get stopped just outside the doors and start chatting with the XO and his wife (who are two of the funniest people ever).  We are all chatting about God-knows-what and I realize that everyone in this group (all 5 people other than me) are WASTED.  We are all laughing and having a good time though.  The XO's wife has to go inside and call the last few numbers for the raffle, so I say jokingly that I am going to go inside and claim whatever prize no one wins.

We get in the banquet room and realize that there are 6 raffle prizes left, about 10 people in the room and no raffle tickets.  The staff had picked them all up off the tables!  I look a the XO's wife and she says, "Which one of these do you want?  Just pick one!"  DH and I made it home with a "Date Night" package.  It included a bottle of champagne, Chili's gift card, tickets to the movie theatre, chocolate, mints, scented candle and body lotion and body wash.  Pretty sweet!

Anyways, I am going to start working on my editing that is due tomorrow and get ready to start the day.


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Army Balls!

Haha the title of this post is kind of inappropriate, but hey, I think its funny!  In all seriousness, today is the Army ball!  We are getting all dressed up and going to a formal basically.  It will be like Prom, but with drinking.  DH and I have been to so many formal dances together from high school to West Point, that we are old pros at it now!

I didn't even have to buy a new dress.  When we went home to Chicago over block leave I tried on a dress that my sister wore to a dance when she was in high school and it fit me!  I am wearing the shoes from the wedding.  This night is turning out to be a fairly cheap night as far as the Army goes!

The one thing that worries me is that I don't really know any of the other wives from the BN, so I don't really know if everyone will be wearing the same type of formal gown that I am wearing.  We also will have a receiving line, which DH says I am awesome at, but cause me undue anxiety.  It's not that I am shy or anything, but I just want to make him look good and sometimes I am not the most appropriate person in the world.  Oh well, I guess he knew that when he married me.  LOL.

I have to go dry my hair and all that fun stuff before DH gets home from work so he can have the bathroom and shower to get ready.  I will post pictures once I get them uploaded to my computer.

Friday, May 15, 2009

The Stagecoach Inn

So today we are going to a marriage retreat that is being put on by the BN. It is being held at the historic Stagecoach Inn in Salado. I have never been there, but everyone I've talked to says that it is really cool. We are excited about staying in a hotel and getting away from home for a few days, but unsure about the whole "marriage retreat" part of it. We decided that our best course of action is to bring wine in case we find ourselves bored with the regularly scheduled activities.

This weekend will be especially fun because Sunday is our official First Wedding Anniversary! I can't believe that it has already been a year since our wedding. I feel like the deployment flew by and now the time state-side is flying too! Pretty soon we will be up at Fort Lewis, enjoying the rain! We are really excited about moving up there, both to live there and experience something new, but also for the move itself. SLS, WPT and JAG are coming down here to make the 2,500 mile drive with us, our dog and both of our cars. It should be an interesting 4th of July!

I'm off to Salado now!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Trying It Out

So, I decided that I would start blogging a little bit about our life and see how it goes.  I might get really into it, or I might quit in a few weeks, but hey, at least I can say that I tried it!

Today was kind of a crazy day, even though I didn't technically have to work (side story), I ended up editing all day to get my stuff done for my freelance job.  I also went strolling with a friend through a cute little old-fashioned downtown.  She was looking for bridesmaids gifts and I was along for moral support more or less.  We did get to sample free fudge though!

So I was supposed to work this afternoon in a first grade class.  Well, I guess the system called me this morning to tell me that the job was canceled, but me, being proactive, I went online and entered a do-not-call so I wouldn't get calls in the early morning and get woken up.  I missed the cancellation call.  I drove all the way to the school only to find out that the job was canceled.  Kind of annoying, but hey, at least I didn't have to work!